
Archive for the ‘Film’ Category

Explore Filmmaking – Storyboard

August 21, 2015 Leave a comment



This is an assignment for a film course. We had to create a scene where “person A” enters a room. “Person B” hands some object over. They converse and “Person A” leaves.

Click this link for the script: Script_draft

I made a small 3d model to work out angles and camera views. (below)


Categories: Film

Film Course

March 24, 2012 Leave a comment

I studied film for one year when I was at architecture school.

These some sketches from my old note book showing what ideas I had floating around in my head at the time. I needed to make a movie by using still images and to do that I researched some famous old films, like Wings of Desire, Les Enfants du Paradis, October and some Hitchcock ones like Rope. (all images are clickable)

Mini Cinema

April 23, 2011 2 comments

I am not sure what this object is called. I suppose the closest word I can think is a nickelodeon except this was your personal home version, like a VCR I guess. I had 4 drum rolls that came with it and I can remember 2 of them, which had a girl dancing and rotating and the other of a man laughing. That was it.

The big versions were used at the birth of cinema when the motion created was the main attraction. So, what you get is essentially a flip book with about hundred frames of various simple scenes. At that time people would drop a nickel (that’s why it’s called a nickel-odeon) and watch then leave when they got bored. Later somebody realised that adding a simple story would make people want to continue to use them and that’s partly how cinema started.

Anyway, I am rambling. When I was in architecture school we were asked to bring an object that we can investigate and draw. People brought different things that included a meat grinder and a plastic bird! I brought this object and I have to admit I was quite pleased with myself because it seemed like the most interesting thing there.

After drawing it in various ways we were told that the last step would be to cast it in plaster. I did that unsuccessfully as you can see by the end result and in the process I smashed the object and pretty much ruined it.

A few years later I found out that apparently only 15 were still in existance and it was a rare antique that was worth thousands of pounds!

Categories: Film, School

School Essay

June 23, 2010 Leave a comment

While studying architecture I spent one year in a unit that focused on film and on seeing what can be learned from it and if it can be applied to architecture. The unit was a very theoretical in its approach and I enjoyed throwing various ideas around very much. Almost too much in fact where I found myself too heavily focused on film and no so much on architecture.

Part of the course work involved writing an essay. I chose to do mine on two Hitchcock films , Rope and Vertigo. I essentially tried to understand why he used the camera in the way that he did, and if I could find anything that can be used as inspiration for the architectural project I was working on at the time. The two images above were samples of pages I drew to analyze parts of the film ‘ROPE’.

Categories: Film, School, Sketch