Home > Architecture, Japan, School, Sketch > Objects of Desire – Egg Buildings

Objects of Desire – Egg Buildings

This post is about a project I worked on while in architecture school that was based on Objects of Desire. It was a long project with a lot of different ideas thrown into it.

In simple terms it was split into three stages. First stage was to design and build my own object, which ended up being a rocking chair that moves around the living room when you rock on it. Click the chair image to go to a post that explains a bit about it. Second stage was to design an object that you give away as a gift. I made a frame with an egg inside that I sent to an architect in Japan. You can click the egg image to go to a the relevant post.

 (Yes I know the blog is not very organised! If you want further proof, click the water colour trench drawing. It will take you to yet another post)


Last stage was to take these ideas and apply them to the city, on an artificial island in Tokyo to be more specific. Since my approach invovled looking at objects and on movement from one place to another I decided to expand on those ideas and to apply them to the island.


I’m going to keep it simple. The island is made up of rubbish that accumulated over the years to create the ground. From memory, the layers were made up of squashed objects that were thrown away, like old TV’s, microwaves, computers, etc. All objects of desire in a way! I thought if you were to make a long cut, or a trench, right through the island then you would get a wall that shows in layer upon layer the history of the development of the city of Tokyo. That would be something you’d see up close on a micro scale. Then, I looked around the island to things were close by, on a medium scale. I found Mount Fuji! I made some cuts and lookout points that frame the mountain and bring it into the island. Lastly, on a macro level, I thought the night sky, the planets and the stars would be my objects of desire and I made a number of planetariums that let the public see the stars up close. I know I’m probably making a complete mess of the explanation, so I’ll stay quiet now and just display some random drawings from the project.

Click the images below to expand them.


Categories: Architecture, Japan, School, Sketch
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